These are a few random anagrams taken from the thousands of gems generated by the Anagram Genius computer software (Windows). Naturally every anagram in this list is perfect: each letter is used once and only once. Why not try the software now by downloading a free trial version?
Also, "Republican National Committee" rearranges as "Inept ballot count: America mine!"
Other UK political examples include (amongst hundreds) "Alistair Campbell" rearranging as "I'm a pest: call Blair!", "Liberal Democrats", "Creditable morals" and "The Conservative Party Conference" anagramming to "French contraceptive on every seat"!?
There are literally THOUSANDS more examples. Why not add to them with YOUR NAME or those of your friends and colleagues by downloading the software???
Order Anagram Genius for Windows Back to description of Anagram Genius for Windows Caricatures drawn by Angie Jordan. |