Rearranging the letters of 'Sharp as a marble' (Not the sharpest tool in the shed) gives:
Embarrass alpha.
(by Jim Banholzer by hand) (2017) (pending approval)
Ashram parables.
(by Jim Banholzer by hand) (2017) (pending approval)
Other related anagrams without their own page:
"Book by old egg" -> "Gobbledygook." (by Jim Banholzer) (2018) (pending approval)
"The author Ernest Hemingway" -> "O, there naughty man! He writes." (by Aronas Pinchas) (2005)
"The American novelist and war correspondent 'Papa' Ernest Miller Hemingway" -> "Ever proper man can write a simple, clear, winning story: "The Old Man and the Sea."" (by Adie Pena by hand) (2008) (pending approval)