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Lynton Keith Crosby AO anagrams
Rearranging the letters of
Lynton Keith Crosby AO
(Spin-doctor and electoral consultant)
Thick as loony rent-boy.
(by anon using
Anagram Genius
(pending approval)
A thick loony's rent-boy.
(by anon using
Anagram Genius
(pending approval)
Tory honey is not black.
(by anon using
Anagram Genius
(pending approval)
Sneak loony, tory bitch.
(by anon using
Anagram Genius
(pending approval)
Belch on tory isn't okay.
(by anon using
Anagram Genius
(pending approval)
Loony, bike snatch tory.
(by anon using
Anagram Genius
(pending approval)
Tory loony is back, then?
(by anon using
Anagram Genius
(pending approval)
Blink not, he's a coy Tory.
(by anon using
Anagram Genius
(pending approval)
Not nay, he is Tory block.
(by anon using
Anagram Genius
(pending approval)
Other related anagrams without their own page:
Sir Lynton Keith Crosby AO
" -> "
Is not coy, shrinkable Tory.
(by anon using
Anagram Genius
(pending approval)
Sir Lynton Keith Crosby AO
" -> "
Reckon by this snooty liar.
(by anon using
Anagram Genius
(pending approval)
Sir Lynton Keith Crosby AO
" -> "
Nosey, thick liar; Tory snob.
(by anon using
Anagram Genius
(pending approval)
Sir Lynton Keith Crosby AO
" -> "
Cissy liar on the tory knob.
(by anon using
Anagram Genius
(pending approval)
Sir Lynton Keith Crosby AO
" -> "
Liar in rent-boy's toy shock.
(by anon using
Anagram Genius
(pending approval)
Sir Lynton Keith Crosby AO
" -> "
Sonny boy or thickest liar.
(by anon using
Anagram Genius
(pending approval)
Sir Lynton Keith Crosby AO
" -> "
Liar in snotty yob shocker.
(by anon using
Anagram Genius
(pending approval)
Sir Lynton Keith Crosby AO
" -> "
Reckon snotty, boyish liar.
(by anon using
Anagram Genius
(pending approval)
Sir Lynton Keith Crosby AO
" -> "
He's crooks' tiny Tony Blair.
(by anon using
Anagram Genius
(pending approval)
Sir Lynton Keith Crosby AO
" -> "
Sick toryish boloney rant.
(by anon using
Anagram Genius
(pending approval)
Sir Lynton Keith Crosby AO
" -> "
Loony, sick, Toryish banter.
(by anon using
Anagram Genius
(pending approval)
Sir Lynton Keith Crosby AO
" -> "
Loony (Toryish in brackets).
(by anon using
Anagram Genius
(pending approval)
Sir Lynton Keith Crosby AO
" -> "
He's trickily on a Tory snob.
(by anon using
Anagram Genius
(pending approval)
Sir Lynton Keith Crosby AO
" -> "
Sick Tory's loony-bin hater.
(by anon using
Anagram Genius
(pending approval)
Sir Lynton Keith Crosby AO
" -> "
He's a Tory's loony-bin trick.
(by anon using
Anagram Genius
(pending approval)
Sir Lynton Keith Crosby AO
" -> "
Tory knob; nosy ethics liar.
(by anon using
Anagram Genius
(pending approval)
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