Assistant Masters and Mistresses Association anagrams
Rearranging the letters of 'Assistant Masters and Mistresses Association' (UK teaching union) gives:
Tossers assess a mass action - it remains distant.
(by Stanley Accrington by hand) (1997)
Other related anagrams without their own page:
"The National Association of Schoolmasters and Union of Women Teachers" -> "On occasion, a new class is real monotonous; then I had tea in the staff room." (by David A. Green by hand) (2003)
"Gym teacher" -> "Cry "The game!"" (by Joe Fathallah) (2002)
"Gym teacher" -> "My erect hag." (by Joe Fathallah) (2002)
"Gym teacher" -> "My, the grace!" (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2008) (pending approval)
"The National Union of Teachers" -> "Inane, to a school infant. True, eh?" (by David Bourke using Anagram Genius) (2004)
"The National Union of Teachers" -> "A footnote: In health insurance?" (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2008) (pending approval)