"Christmas" -> "Shit! Scram." (by Danielle Linna using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
"Christmas" -> "Itch Mr Ass." (by Danielle Linna using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
"What gift from Santa would you like to see under the tree on Christmas?" -> "True wit, harmony, kindness, calm, rest, good future, seat, health, wife too." (by Aronas Pinchas using Anagram Genius) (2008) (pending approval)
"The year two thousand and nine" -> "No new hot-headed tyrant in USA." (by Judson T. Pewther using Anagram Genius) (2009) (pending approval)
"Two thousand and eight" -> "And now this tough date." (by Mark McNamara using Anagram Genius) (2008) (pending approval)
"Two thousand and eight" -> "Sad thought, no win date." (by Mark McNamara using Anagram Genius) (2008) (pending approval)
"The Year Two Thousand Five" -> "Why, a date of honest virtue!" (by William Tunstall-Pedoe using Anagram Genius) (2005)
"The Year Two Thousand Five" -> "Whatever you do, that's fine." (by Wayne Baisley) (2004)
"The Year Two Thousand Five" -> "Instead of truth, we have "Oy!"" (by Wayne Baisley) (2004)
"The Year Two Thousand and Seven" -> "New date has your events to hand." (by Mike Mesterton-Gibbons by hand) (2006) (pending approval)
"Two Thousand and Six" -> "That was odd: Nixon US!" (by Mike Mesterton-Gibbons by hand) (2007) (pending approval)
"Two Thousand and Six" -> "Distant hoax wounds." (by Paul Fisher . using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
"Two Thousand and Six" -> "Handout toxins wads." (by Paul Fisher . using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
"Two Thousand and Six" -> "Hoax outstand winds." (by Paul Fisher . using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
"New Year coming soon" -> "A worsening economy?" (by Harshal Madhavapeddi) (2010) (pending approval)